FREE Song! Heather Williams -- "Start Over"
7/3/13 free
download comes from Heather Williams. Her songs and her character speak
of the strength of a woman well beyond her years, but Williams believes that
the power of her testimony and the stories she tells through song will be used
to encourage others, and that's all she's really concerned about. This week's
download is "Start Over" from her record This Time Around. Enjoy!
FREE SONG! Unspoken "Everything"

This week
free download is the song "Everything" off of Unspoken's latest
EP The World Is
Waking out this week! "Everything" is
a powerful declaration of dependency on God. The song's title is a reference to
a verse in Matthew 6, "Seek
the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you
everything you need."
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